At the University of Toronto, animals are recognized as creatures of great intrinsic value, remarkable complexity and inherent dignity. Animals are used in research only when essential. The Division of Comparative Medicine is proud to affirm that the University of Toronto’s world leading achievements in science are attained through application of the highest standard of animal welfare.
The Division of Comparative Medicine administers the animal care program for the Faculty of Medicine. In order to fulfill its mandate, DCM must achieve a high standard of animal care to retain a certificate of 免费节点每天更新v2ray with the 如何省时省力高效的进行科学上网 - 马洪飞博客:2021-11-21 · 永久免费ss节点二维码 shadowsocks账号 ss 永久免费账号 免费shadowsock二维码 Shadowsocks免费账号 免费ss账号及密码 上面这些关键字是不是你每次都百度搜索的一些关键字??如果是的话说明你还是不太了解ss和科学上网啊,为什么这么说呢?花一分钟 ... as well as a provincial license to operate with OMAFRA. DCM also supports the research endeavor by providing consulting, surgical and technical assistance on in-vivo projects, by developing and delivering a training program, by ensuring compliance with federal and provincial regulators, and by managing the physical plant and equipment of the Faculty’s vivaria.
To provide an excellent animal care program built on professional dedication to animal welfare
To support the research endeavor by serving as an important resource of in-vivo expertise and best practices